Student Information

Students participating in the Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate(GWEC) program will be required to demonstrate the following employability skills consistently throughout the school year of participation.

The following five(5) competencies will require the signature of three(3) teachers who have had the student candidate in class for the entire academic year.

5 Employability Competencies

A GWEC Student Is...

  • 1

    able to persevere through challenges and problem-solve

  • 2

    accepting and demonstrates service to others, possesses a positive attitude, and communicates clearly

  • 3

    a self-starter and a critical thinker

  • 4

    reliable and demonstrates responsibility and teamwork

  • 5

    organized, punctual and demonstrates self-management

In addition to the above, student candidates will be required to meet the following four(4) objective competencies throughout the entire academic year.

4 Academic Competencies

A GWEC Student has...

  • 1

    demonstrated academic readiness, a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, and met or is on track to meet all graduation requirements

  • 2

    an attendance rate of 98% or higher

  • 3

    one(1) or fewer discipline referrals for the school year

  • 4

    completed a minimum of six(6) hours of community service or volunteerism during the academic year

Student must meet a score of nine(9) of nine(9) in order to obtain the GWEC.

Department of Workforce Development Resources