Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other:

All community and social service specialists not listed separately.

Also includes

About the Job

Indiana Average Salary $37,650.00
Average Time to Fill 0 days
Typical Education Associate's degree
Typical Experience
10 Year Projected Openings (2016-2026) 719
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2016-2026) 9.32 %

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Skills Profile

Essential (Soft) Skills

Essential Skills to Employers

Critical Thinking
Customer Service
Information Gathering
Conflict Management
Oral Communication
Numerical and Arithmetic Application
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Top Job Duties and Responsibilities

Provide Consultation and Advice to Others

Advise others on career or personal development
Advise students on education and career-related issues
Match clients to public or community services
Advise clients or community groups on health issues
Refer patients or clients to community services or resources

Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships

Maintain relationships with external agencies, organizations, and communities
Manage community relations for law enforcement agency
Establish long-term relationships with industry professionals
Establish relationships with external agencies and community organizations
Maintain cooperative working relationships with community service organizations

Department of Workforce Development Resources