Architectural and Civil Drafters:

Prepare detailed drawings of architectural and structural features of buildings or drawings and topographical relief maps used in civil engineering projects, such as highways, bridges, and public works. Use knowledge of building materials, engineering practices, and mathematics to complete drawings.

Also includes

About the Job

Indiana Average Salary $50,900.00
Average Time to Fill 44 days
Typical Education Associate's degree
Typical Experience
10 Year Projected Openings (2016-2026) 1,359
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2016-2026) 1.96 %

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Skills Profile

Essential (Soft) Skills

Essential Skills to Employers

Attention to Detail
Information Gathering
Critical Thinking
Written Communication
Technology and Tool Usage
Resource Allocation
Oral Communication
Numerical and Arithmetic Application

Top Job Duties and Responsibilities

Getting Information

Review engineering data or reports
Explain engineering drawings, specifications, or other technical information
Interpret architectural or engineering information from blueprints or schematics
Review architectural, mapping, or drafting related codes and specifications
Read engineering related operating, service, or repair manuals
Gather physical or topographical survey data
Conduct geological surveys
Survey land or properties
Research property records

Thinking Creatively

Design office layout
Draw design, letter, or line graphics or illustrations
Develop informational maps or charts
Design construction projects
Draw subject or item sketches
Create physical models or prototypes
Develop graphic designs or models
Write business project or bid proposals
Determine methods of how engineering operations are carried out

Estimating the Quantifiable Characteristics of Products, Events, or Information

Estimate costs of design or construction materials
Prepare cost estimates
Convert design specifications to cost estimates
Estimate operational costs
Calculate grades and elevations
Estimate engineering project material requirements
Estimate technical or resource requirements for development or production projects

Drafting, Laying Out, and Specifying Technical Devices, Parts, and Equipment

Create drafting or mechanical drawings
Determine design criteria or specifications of product, project, or service
Create graphical representations of energy production systems
Create graphical representations of structures or landscapes
Create graphical representations of civil structures
Draw prototypes, renderings, plans, or maps to scale
Lay out electrical wiring for buildings or facilities

Analyzing Data or Information

Interpret artifacts, architectural features, or structures
Evaluate designs or specifications to ensure quality
Evaluate technical data to determine effect on designs or plans
Analyze operational data to evaluate operations, processes or products
Interpret aerial photographs
Perform cost benefit analysis

Real-Time Job Posting Statistics

Booster Skills & Certifications

Job Seekers possessing booster skills & certifications, such as those listed below, added to core skills are more marketable, harder to find and expensive to hire.

Hard to Fill: Employers find positions requiring these skills to be hard to fill. These skills and certifications make a job seeker more in demand because the skills are not widely available.

Expensive to Fill: Employers find positions requiring these skills to be expensive to fill. Job seekers with these skills and certifications are likely to earn more money.

Skill or Certification Certi - fication Hard to Fill Expensive to Fill
3D Modeling/ Design
Structural Design
Engineering Design
Cost Estimation
Technical Writing / Editing
Structural Drawings

Department of Workforce Development Resources