Advertising and Promotions Managers:

Plan, direct, or coordinate advertising policies and programs or produce collateral materials, such as posters, contests, coupons, or give-aways, to create extra interest in the purchase of a product or service for a department, an entire organization, or on an account basis.

Also includes

About the Job

Indiana Average Salary $94,590.00
Average Time to Fill 43 days
Typical Education Bachelor's degree
Typical Experience Over 2 years, up to and including 4 years
10 Year Projected Openings (2016-2026) 248
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2016-2026) 6.99 %

For more information on the new projection methodology, visit Hoosiers by the Numbers .

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Skills Profile

Essential (Soft) Skills

Essential Skills to Employers

Critical Thinking
Attention to Detail
Oral Communication
Information Gathering
Written Communication
Resource Allocation
Technology and Tool Usage
Customer Service
Conflict Management
Numerical and Arithmetic Application

Top Job Duties and Responsibilities

Thinking Creatively

Develop advertising, marketing, or promotional materials
Design marketing and support materials
Write advertising copy
Design advertising layout
Develop sales presentations
Practice creative writing and development
Improve methods for worker selection or promotion
Develop advertising or marketing policies, procedures, or standards
Write copy for client websites
Write business project or bid proposals
Design merchandise or product displays
Create artistic objects, materials, or renderings
Develop organizational programs for the use of social media
Establish advertising, sales, or marketing related performance metrics

Guiding, Directing, and Motivating Subordinates

Manage promotional, sales, or marketing plans
Direct financial operations
Oversee sales campaigns or programs
Set goals for workers or staff
Direct sales, marketing, or customer service activities
Manage broad organizational programs or initiatives
Manage individual and organizational contracts
Assign work to staff or employees
Supervise advertising or marketing personnel

Making Decisions and Solving Problems

Discharge workers using employee dismissal guidelines
Terminate employment of employees or contractors
Terminate relationship with clients or vendors
Implement organizational process or policy changes
Implement company or staff policies
Adapt writing style based on analysis of data or audience

Analyzing Data or Information

Analyze financial data or information
Analyze sales activities or trends
Analyze market research data
Analyze forecasting data to improve business decisions
Evaluate product design
Analyze data to assess operational or project effectiveness
Perform sales or marketing research

Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings

Track sales activity or trends
Track financial transactions such as deposits, payments, funding, or fees
Monitor trends in world trade
Monitor consumer or market trends
Monitor performance of others
Examine marketing materials to ensure compliance with policies or regulations
Monitor project performance metrics

Real-Time Job Posting Statistics

Booster Skills & Certifications

Job Seekers possessing booster skills & certifications, such as those listed below, added to core skills are more marketable, harder to find and expensive to hire.

Hard to Fill: Employers find positions requiring these skills to be hard to fill. These skills and certifications make a job seeker more in demand because the skills are not widely available.

Expensive to Fill: Employers find positions requiring these skills to be expensive to fill. Job seekers with these skills and certifications are likely to earn more money.

Skill or Certification Certi - fication Hard to Fill Expensive to Fill
Supervisory Skills
Ad Campaigns
Customer Contact
Account Management
Digital Advertising
Ad Operations
Direct Marketing

Department of Workforce Development Resources